mixsoon Bean Essence 50ml
mixsoon Bean Essence 50ml
This innovative essence is made with a powerful blend of soybean ferment extract, pomegranate extract, and pear juice that provides deep hydration, nourishment, and brightening to your skin. The Mixsoon Bean Essence is cruelty-free, vegan-friendly, and free from harmful chemicals, making it suitable for all skin types. This unique product can be used as a gentle exfoliator or a daily essence.
AS AN EXFOLIATOR: Prep your face with warm water. Gently massage your skin in circular motions. Rinse off the dead skin cells with water or a toner.
AS A DAILY ESSENCE: After cleansing and applying toner, apply an appropriate amount of the essence. Pat until fully absorbed.
Soybean ferment extract is known for its anti-aging benefits and its ability to improve the texture of your skin. Pomegranate extract is rich in antioxidants that help to protect your skin from environmental stressors, while pear juice is a natural source of Vitamin C that brightens and evens out your skin tone.
You will notice an instant boost of hydration and nourishment, leaving your skin looking brighter, more radiant, and rejuvenated.